Thursday, September 12, 2013

Creation Color

I thought I'd share some pins from my Pinterest board titled COLORS
Yes, I admit, I'm a Pinterest-holic, and here's three reasons why...

These colorful images inspire me to think of the beautiful seasonal colors in the creative work of God.   Even though there's not a lot of change in the seasons here in the Deep South, God blesses me with beauty all year 'round in my little corner of the world.  

Consider ...

the soft pink, lavender and yellow hues of spring;


a brilliant blue sky, bright sunny yellow-orange and
fresh green grass of summer;


the rich leafy brown, red, orange and purple of autumn;


the sparkling white snow and frost of winter.


 ... and I think you'll agree,
God wants us to enjoy His
divine color palette!


The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof;
the world, and they that dwell therein.  Psalm 24:1

Google Image




  1. This was a lovely post, sweet Pamelyn! You painted such a beautiful picture of our Lord's creation and the song you ended with is a favorite of mine. I had a wonderful visit - thank you!

    Hugs to you!

  2. Hi Pamelyn! So nice to meet you today! I love Pinterest too, and why not? My daughter made me the most delicious cake, and she got the recipe from there.

    Your photos here are so rich in color, the fall one and the snow one just made me gasp. Love it! and that hymn is now planted in my brain. I have a recording of Amy Grant singing's beautiful. My Mom loved that one too.

    So happy to find this blog. I look forward to getting to know you better :)
