Monday, April 29, 2013

God's Word {God's Perfect and Glorious Character}

Over the next few days I'd like to explore five attributes of God's perfect and glorious character. 

God's Word, His Goodness, His Wrath, His Love, His Grace


Today we'll explore GOD'S WORD

Psalm 19:7-10 refers to God's Word as
the perfect Law and the testimony, able to convert the soul and bestow wisdom ((verse 7); 
the right statutes and commandments, able to rejoice the heart and enlighten one's eyes (verse 8);
righteous judgment and all truth (verse 9). 
It is no wonder that the psalmist declares in verse 10 that the Holy Word of God is desirable above material goods as well as nutrition to the body.  

Perception of God's Word

An individual's perception of the Bible is in direct reflection of how they feel about God.  I heard a preacher say once that he believed the Bible from cover to cover, and he believed the cover as well - HOLY BIBLE. Through the years the Holy Bible has been misused and misunderstood simply because it is not accepted for what it is: GOD'S OWN HOLY WORDS.  If an individual believes that God's Words are not inspired by Almighty God or that it is equal to any other written word they deny the holy, perfect and glorious character of God.  


Power of God's Word

Because of its Supreme power, God's Word is effective whether it is preached, taught, read, or sung.  The Word of God can save a lost person from an eternity apart from God.  For the believer, God's Word brings peace in a world filled with chaos and sin.  It is the power of God's Word that will cause a person to either be convicted of their sins or delight in its truth.   God's Word is the only book we need to sustain our life and guarantee our heavenly eternity with our Savior.


God's Word is Precious

The Bible is very precious to me, as I'm sure it is to you.  Do you remember the song we learned in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School, "THE B-I-B-L-E"?  How sweet to hear a child too young to spell c-a-t, able to sing the spelling of BIBLE!  The words are so simple, but so true.

The B I B L E
Yes, that's the Book for me.
I stand alone
On the Word of God
The B I B L E!


God's Word is Personal

God's Word is a personal Book to God's children.  The Bible has the answer to any and all problems we face.  The study of His Word must be a daily, personal exercise in order for it to be hidden in your heart, be a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.  (Psalm 119:11, 105). 

I encourage you to "get to know" your Bible and discover it's treasures. Next time we'll explore God's Goodness...

SOURCES:  King James Bible

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